Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Attendee Survey Now Available!

Prairie Dev Con is built around the concept of a four-legged stool, with each leg representing attendees, speakers, sponsors, and organizers. It’s important to get feedback from all four to ensure that we’re continually improving the event and making it better every year!

We’ve posted a survey for attendees to provide feedback to us about the overall conference. If you attended the conference, please take some time to fill it out (its short, only a few questions).

If you have nice things to say about the conference, fantastic! We like to know what worked well so we keep doing them. If you have negative feedback, we welcome that too. The one ask is that if you do identify an aspect of the conference as less than satisfactory, please put comments in detailing what specifically it was.

You can access the survey by clicking here:

Thanks again to all the attendees for coming out to the conference. Without you, there would be no Prairie Dev Con!



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