I'm excited to announce a new conference event here in Winnipeg, Manitoba this Fall!
What is Deliver?
Deliver is a conference that brings people together to uncover better ways to deliver software and provide value within your organization and for your customers.
Deliver is a conference for designers, testers, architects, project managers, developers, business analysts, product managers, infrastructure professionals, and others.
Deliver will be happening October 12 – 13 2016 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. This two-day multi-track conference will feature sessions with a wide range of topics spanning development, management, culture, business analysis, design, quality, agile, lean, release management, and more!
This sounds like SDEC...?
Recently I learned that SDEC (Software Development and Evolution Conference) wouldn't be occurring in 2016. As a former organizer and speaker of SDEC, I know how important this event was to furthering discussions around how we create software and deliver value in our organizations.
I talked with Ryan Caligiuri and Steve Rogalsky, both of whom helped organize past SDEC events, about putting on a new event to fill the gap of SDEC this year. And so, here we are - Deliver!
Call for Speakers is Open!
We currently have our call for speakers open and are accepting submissions until July 1st 2016! Please visit our website for all the information for what's covered for speakers (spoiler: all T&E for North American speakers) and how to submit your sessions! http://www.prdcdeliver.com
Interested in Sponsoring?
We offer sponsorship packages for organizations that include free passes, booth space, a vendor session at the conference, and more. Please visit the sponsor section of our website for all the information including a copy of our sponsor package! http://www.prdcdeliver.com
Get On Our Mailing List!
Want to be kept up to date on all the news and info about Deliver? Join our mailing list! You can access our form to sign up by clicking here!
Follow Us on Twitter!
You can follow us on Twitter and keep watching for other social media sites to be added in the near future!
Steve, Ryan, and myself are looking forward to seeing you this Fall at Deliver!